Game Research

For my research, I looked at the retro game. I had to find an online version of the game “Sonic the Hedgehog” that goes under the name “A Generic Sonic”. Managing to get through 5 levels in the game. We did this in order for us to find out the concept of the game and its target audience. But to also give our opinion on what we think of how the game works.

I found that the main objective was to get from the end of the level without your character, Sonic the Hedgehog, dying. Also, you collect rings as a part of a point system, the more you collect the higher your score. There is also a timer in the game which is also a scoring system too. Of course, there are obstacles.


This game is potentially targeted at teens, specifically boys but it doesn’t necessarily stop people of older or younger ages from playing. The game displays more themes relatable and or aimed at teenage boys than any other type of target.

I found the game entertaining due to it being very fast-paced and easy to pick up, its a game where the controls are easy to understand. Also, the game is very vibrant and colourful, making it more lively and fitting for the fast-pace of the game. There is also a sense of achievement as there are “boss fights” at the end of certain levels, these change the gameplay a lot as you find yourself focused on one obstacle, the boss.

As great as the game is, all games have their own flaws and possibilities to improve. So I’ll provide some of my personal input on the game.

Of course, this game is a fast-paced game but when is “fast” too fast? With the speed of this game, it can be quite hard to take in all the obstacles. Even if it’s for the first couple of the levels, I feel that the player could benefit from that. Or perhaps “zooming out” more in order to see more of the level ahead as to be more aware of the obstacles.

In the game, I noticed the various items that you could use in the game however they are never explained on what benefit you gain from it. So most of the time you attempt to figure out the item for yourself. It would be a lot more helpful if the game could explain the items in small detail in order to assist the player.

My last suggestion would help broaden the target audience. In the game, you have the character Sonic the Hedgehog, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog. It would be interesting to add unlockable characters or character customization. This would then not be narrowed down to a specific target.

Overall, Sonic the Hedgehog is a very entertaining game to play with a fair share of flaws.

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