Basic selection tools within Photoshop

Layers allow a user in photoshop to break down their images into several parts. These can be useful when you need to edit a specific area within an image without affecting the rest of the image. This can be very useful when making posters or simple photo edits.


The tools I used were the marquee tools in order to experiment with the layers in photoshop. The lasso tools come as Normal, polygonal and magnetic. Here are how the tools work and my experiments which I drew faces to demonstrate.

Also on the option bar which is at the top of the program allows you change the properties of the tool such as you adding or subtract to your current selection.

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Normal lasso tool is a free-hand selection tool whereby holding left click and dragging your cursor creates a selection line known as marching ants. if you let go of left click, the selection will retreat to where you first selected but if you return to the starting point of your selection, there will be no effect.

Polygonal lasso tool is similar to the normal lasso tool yet instead of it being freehand, your selection consists of straight lines. The same effect follows “if you let go… retreat to where you first selected… return to the starting point of your selection, there will be no effect.”

Magnetic Lasso tool is much different from the rest of the lasso tools as it creates selections by lining the contract of an image. Luckily to can edit how many pixels of a contrast it can select and you can change to anchor points of the select if need be.



Creating layers:

Screen Shot 2018-12-12 at 09.57.12Naturally opening a photoshop document, it’ll create a locked background layer. To create a new layer you just click the icon of a piece of paper with a folded corner.

Layer a extremely useful for non-destructive edits to an image just incase you make a mistake while working on a photo. Also its a good idea to name your layers as so you don’t get confused on which layer is which.

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