Basics of Sound

A sound is a form of Vibrations that travel through particles and picked up by a person or animal. Sound comes in the form of waves, more specifically Transverse or Longitudinal wave.

A human can hear from 2OHz to 20kHz while other animals can hear either higher or lower than a human can. When testing my hearing range, I noticed I experienced a lot of anxiety from how high pitch it can get.


Longitudinal waves are a more realistic form of sounds wave, showing more specifically how vibrations more though particles also known as Oscillation. The closer particles contain the sound vibration and are known as Compression. While between those compressions are untouched particles known as the rarefaction.

Transverse waves are a form of waves that allows one to record a sound wave as a diagram. A cycle measures the pitch and amplitude of a wave within a second.  On the Y-axis is the amplitude of a sound, the bigger the amplitude the louder the sound. While on the X-axis is the pitch of the sound, the more cycles in a second the higher the pitch.


Delay or more commonly known as echo is when sound waves reflect off a solid surface. Many people would think of when someone yells “Hello” in a cave and the word being repeated but getting quieter over time. However, that’s rarely the case as there are different echoes depending on the situation. Such as in a theatre hall, your voice would be louder than it actually is, this is specifically called a reverb.

There are also ways of reducing a sounds amplitude. Many musicians or people who play an instrument most likely have been in a room where the walls are covered in acoustic foam. Usually, believe to cut out sound altogether however it doesn’t. The acoustic foam actually just reduces how amplified a sound is by increasing the air resistance within a room, so it can still be heard but its a lot quieter.


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