Cityscape Illustration task


  1. What does the black arrow allow you to do? It is used to select groups and transform the selected item on the selected layer.
  2. What does the white arrow allow you to do? It directly selects items that are already in a group. It directly selects one of the items within a group.
  3. How would you change the colour of the fill and stroke? The toolbar on the left side of the program has two squares overlapping each other. The one with a hole is the stroke colour and the fill is the regular square. clicking on either will bring up the colour selection. Also dragging one square on to another makes the colours the same for stroke and fill.
  4. How do you choose no colour for the fill or stroke? In the colour selection, there is a square with a red strike in it which means no colour.
  5. How do you move several objects at once? you hold shift and click on as many objects as you want before moving the selection.
  6. How do you remove an object from a selection? You can use one of the three lasso tools to remove a specific object within an image.
  7. How would you group several objects? Holding shift, you click on the object you want to group together before going to layer and then clicking on the group. so when you select one of the objects the rest of the objects in the group follow.
  8. How would you join several objects into one object? You would put them into a group.
  9. How would you split overlapping objects into different shapes? You would group the objects together then use Pathfinder to divide the objects into a different shape by using the white mouse to drag them away.
  10. What’s the quickest most professional way to navigate around your illustration? Holding space and dragging to where you want to go.
  11. How do you zoom into your work without taking your hand off the mouse? Holding down the Ctrl key and using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out
  12. How do you zoom out of your work? You can use the mouse or command + minus keys.
  13. How can I change the size of my digital paper? Make sure you have nothing selected before you go to the control tab and type into the (H)eight and (W)idth boxes to your desired size
  14. How can I cut an object without deleting an anchor point? Use Pathfinder and divide the shape to your desired cut
  15. How and where can I add an anchor point to a stroke? By using the pen tool to add on from an already existing anchor point
  16. How could I change an anchor point from a corner to a curved anchor? When creating the anchor point you drag and hold the left mouse button until you are happy with the curve
  17. How can I move an object in front of another object? You can delete the object you want to move as it is saved to your clipboard then select the object you want it to be in front of before pasting.
  18. What is the quickest way to duplicate an object? By using command + D after the action you want to copy.
  19. How do you see your illustration in black and white lines with no colour? By using command +Y
  20. How do you make a triangle shape? Use can you the pen tool to make a triangle or divide a square with Pathfinder

In my illustration work, I have made a simplistic cityscape. The best parts to me would be the background, museum building and the bus.

For the background, I use a sunset like a gradient before putting dark buildings with yellow and grey-blue windows. I tried to make the buildings all different to each other including the window where meant to be different. I personally love the clouds with a gradient that inverts from the sky sunset.

The museum is the building I first made and put a lot of time to even make it have a texture that can’t be seen unless zoomed in. The building was based off another building I had seen on a street in London.

The bus was also a piece I spent a lot of time on which I tried to make this as close to a real London bus as possible. The bus includes people sit and or standing inside of it.

My less successful parts would be the rest of the building, the street and the lack of people. I spent too much time focusing on one or two objects in the cityscape that which I lost time to create the rest. I didn’t even make people for the cityscape which would have made my cityscape a lot more lively.

If I were able to complete the task different I’d most likely spend more time add a lot of features rather than a lot of detail of one object.

Update 18/10/18:

I’ve added the following: People, streetlights, a construction site, posters, helicopter, plan and birds. The cityscape has a lot more going on compared to the last time.

Cityscape complete

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