Adjustment Layers Research

Adjustment Layers are a type of layer that adds additional filters to an image. However, the difference is that the layer affects all layer underneath it only which allows you to a specific adjustment to parts of an image if needed. Such as if you want to change the hue of two parts of an image.

Adjustment layers work better with non-destructive editing as adjustments aren’t necessarily used to edit an image. This will make the adjustment layer not forcibly noticeable and seem more natural on the non-destructive edit, rather than the destructive edit. Also, it takes less time to adjust the adjustment layer to its desired state and non-destructive editing is much softer with its changes.

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 11.50.21The picture above is of a rainforest scene which I’ll use the adjustment layers to make it more saturated by 50%. The yellows of the image should stand out more in the image. In other words, the image will look more lively and bright.

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The picture below is another adjustment on the exposure of the image. This makes the image look like it takes place at a later time than the original or just simply darker toned than the original image. Using -2.80 exposure and 0.78 gamma correction.

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