Curing Chaos High pitch

Type of game: 

“Curing Chaos” (CC) is role-playing, beat ‘em up game; Playable on PC and console. CC has the classic class system element of an RPG and uses horror and delicate theme in combination. CC attempts to create a cutesy horror that is both pleasing to the eye and a powerful RPG with its wide selection of items.  With slight exploration as each area can be used to grind for experience. Possibly including a multiplayer option where to fight or play along with friends. 

Game overview – Based in a post-apocalyptic, Victorian London that has been hit with the great pestilence. Millions are affected and turn into what survivors’ call “husks”, the undead in other words. The four playable characters must fend off the disease and attempt to find the cause and or cure to the chaos. Where they all meet unique enemies and allies alike. 

Features –  

  • Multiple bosses 
  • Various enemies 
  • A ranking system for items volubility 
  • Different classes to play 
  • Several areas to explore 
  • Missions and side quests 

Overview – CC will appear on PC or consoles due to the multiple controls may be needed. The game would before 14+ due to it containing content unsuitable for younger audiences, there is no gender-specific as it can appeal to both. 

Player Motivation  Mostly achievers with its set base achievements but it could be for social players too like you. Not only is the story the main drive but there are side plots residing on characters. Also, the number of unique items to find could also interest players. 

Genre – role-playing, beat ‘em up game 

Target audience – Mostly teenagers due to the theme and content of the game and the art style being more appealing to a younger audience. Give it a rating of Pegi 12 due the implied violence in the game. 

Hardware preferences – PC and or Consoles. Mobile would be too small for the controls and might struggle to process the game. Taking a looking at games similar to mine, I would consider it needing 50MB to run. 

Competition – Games similar to CC would be games such as Charlie Murder, Castle Crashers and Battleblocks theatre. However, taking place in London and in a specific time period and also giving the player more customisation to characters besides from colours and equipment.

USP – Mostly its art style compare to the genre makes it unique. A horror with a cute art style is an odd yet interesting change for games that usually focus on jump-scaring the player rather than just unsettling the player. 

Design Goal – I want to make a dark-themed game that yet looks cutesy. Even with the cute style, I want characters and environments to look disturbing to a small extent. This game is meant to give the player mixed feelings. 

Character –  

  • Feather (Warrior)- Originally an assayer (determines the amount of gold or silver to go into coins), wielding swords or axes.
  • Myra (Rogue)- An archil Maker (makes violet dye for lichens), wielding bows, guns or even spears. Having a steady hand and keen eye in combat, she is seen as the most observant character of the group. 
  • Dr White (Healer)- A medical doctor as shown by their name, wielding a sceptre. Is rather anonymous and private about their life before the outbreak, not even their gender is known due to them seeming so introvert.
  • Lent (Brute)- A miner with large physique, typically weilding double handed weapons such as long axes and broadswords. Considered the large and slow-witted member of the group.

Further details – As darkly themed the game is made out to be, there is some light-hearted comedy as so the game isn’t continuously glum and or dull with the same atmosphere. The comedy is seen within the in-game dialogue between character or even descriptions of areas, places or items. 

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