Adjustment layers and Blend Modes


Masks in photoshop are a tool to edit a specific proportion of an image non-destructively allowing edits to be changed without ruining the image entirely. Mask also allow people to make alternative edits to an image too. This can be used for advertisement to bring your attention to the product in the advertisement. Mask can be found in the layers and channels tabs.

screen shot 2019-01-14 at 11.11.37

There are 3 different sliders in the levels adjustment: High ton, Mid-tone, and Low-tone. These are connected to the tones of the image and can be edited using all three sliders too, which of course, changes the tone of the image.

Changing the tones of the image can allow more attention to a specific part of the image but also uncover it as darker areas can be lightened and lighter areas can be darkened. These can impact an image in conveying a specific feeling within it which is very useful in an advertisement or art as a whole.

There’s also adjustment layers for hue and saturation which of course change the colour and saturation of an image. there’s also lightness which, of course, changes the brightness of the image. The fun part is that it doesn’t affect the image entirely and it can focus on a specific part of an image.

Mini- Blending modes


In the photoshop, I used the blending mode “Colour” to change the colour of the car as seen in the picture above. The blending modes are very useful as they don’t destroy the quality of the colour, its almost as if you really did spraypaint the car.

I originally made it blue but I wanted to check if change the colour with a mask would affect the image, in which it didn’t affect the image badly in any way.

At first, I made a selection around the mini in where I wanted to colour. I made sure to avoid colouring the lights, grill and wheels.  After the selection was made a use a light brush to colour the car, I tried to not go overboard with the brush as took keep it looking natural.

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