Clock tween [Animation]

This animation consists of a brown Pendulum clock, zooming in and out while the minute hand spins in a 360° rotation. This animation lasts 10 seconds long.

If there were any changes I could make to this animation it would be to animate the pendulum of the clock swinging side to side. But also animate the hour hand on the clock so that there’s a lot to focus on within the animation.

I achieved this animation by importing the clock that I made in Adobe Illustrator and selecting for the layers (Clock, Big hand and Small hand) to be animated layers. This will make the layers in Illustrator convert into layers in adobe animate.

Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 09.37.02.png

I then convert the hands on the clock the graphics symbols where I’ll be able to tween them. After that, I’ll move the centre of the selection of each hand so that when rotated they won’t move off the clock but instead simply turn.

Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 09.37.51.png

Next, I’ll insert so keyframes (around 50) into the symbol’s timeline for the small hand so I have some time for the movement. With that, I insert another 3 keyframes as I’ll be dividing the rotations into 90°s so I’ll need 5 as to do a 360°.

With each keyframe made, I’ll modify the hand so that in each keyframe it rotates 90°. Then made classic tweens between each rotation, which is signalled by the blue frame.Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 09.51.03.png

Once the animation of the hand rotating was made, I returned to the scene to create a classic tween of the clock symbol zooming in and out for 60 framesScreen Shot 2019-03-13 at 09.41.18.png

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