Final Animation responses

For my animation, I needed to get some of my peers thoughts and opinions. I asked 9 questions altogether and received 19 responses to the questionnaire altogether.

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The majority enjoyed the overall flow of the animation which was a key focus of my animation but it is also due to me using tweens which generally make animations such as mine looks smoother and flow better.Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 10.49.37.png

Most of the criticism I received was for my frame by frame animation, where the timing is off compared to the audio and for the overall flow of the animation. This I can improve upon by simply adding more frames within a symbol or section of animation to slow down the movement.

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Luckily, my animation was clear with its semi-education approach which my audience picked up on. Understanding the “story” was another key part I focused on during the animating process.

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Most of the personal comments about my animation was simply improving the faults I had made which I’ve already mentioned as my critique. Overall, a positive outlook on my animation as a whole with its fair share of improvements to be made over time.

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