The world’s most expensive paintings

1. What is Christie’s?

Christie’s is a showroom in London that display some of the paintings that would be sold at an auction in New York.


2. How much is Mark Rothko’s White Centre?

It could cost more than 72 million dollars, 72,840,000 if you want to be precise.

3. Value isn’t always connected to what?

Value isn’t always connected to quality, But instead the provenance of a painting.

4. What does provenance mean?

Provenance is who had owned the painting in the past.

5. Who previously owned Rothko’s White Centre?

Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest and powerful dynasties in america

6. How did they earn their wealth?

From oil and banking, reshaping the new york skyline with the Rockefeller centre.

7. 1n 1960 how much did he pay for “White Centre”?

Less than 10,000 dollars.

8. Who are the current owners?

The Royal family of Qatar; Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani


9. Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens is worth what?

it was sold in 2002 for 76,529,058 dollars

10. Where are the majority of old master paintings?

In museums across the world, due to its rarity in value in the market

11. How did Ken Thomson earn his wealth?

He built a global media empire that once encompassed “The Times” and “The Sunday Times”

12. How much did he pay for Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens?

49,005,000 pounds or 76,500,000 dollars

13. What number on the rich list of people in Britain is Jeffrey Archer?



14. How much is Monet Water Lily Pond worth?

80,379,591 dollars

15. How many years did Monet spend painting this water lily pond:

consecutive 26 years


16. What is the most popular postcard sold in the National Gallery?

“Sunflowers” by Van Gogh

17. How much did Au Moulin de la Galette by Renoir sell for?

71 Million dollars

18. How much did Portrait of Dr Gachet by Van Gogh sell for?

82,500,000 dollars

19. Who bought them?

A paper tycoon, Ryoei Saito

20. What is rumoured to have happened to the painting ‘Portrait of Dr Gachet’ by Van Gogh owned by Japanese businessman, Ryoei Saito? 26

It was rumoured he burned them or secretly sold them to pay his debt after he went into financial ruin.


21. How much was Francis Bacon Triptych sold for?

in 2008, 86,281,000 dollars

22. Who bought it?

Russian businessman Roman Abramovich


23. Adele Bloch-Bauer II (2) by Gustav Klimt was sold for?

87,936,00 dollars

24. What is restitution art?

Art that was stolen or looted during World War II. Artwork that is returned to their rightful owner or owner’s family


25. Dora Maar Au Chat by Picasso sold for?

95,216,000 dollars in 2006

26. How old was Picasso when he painted boy with a pipe?

he was 24 when he painted it

27. How much did it sell for?

104 million dollars


28. What did Steve Wynn do to his Picasso painting, Le Rêve?

He made a restaurant and art gallery at the heart of Bellagio, where the restaurant is heavily themed or inspired by Picasso’s work

29. How many items did Victor and Sally Ganz sell at their auction?

12 paintings

30. What did Victor Ganz do for a living?

custom jewellery


31. How much did Nude, Green Leaves and Bust by Picasso sell for?


32. Who is standing next to the painting below?

Doug Lord


33. How old was Picasso when he painted it?

51 years old

Most to least expensive paintings:

  1. $106,482,500 Nude, Green Leaves and Bust by Picasso
  2. $95,216,000 Dora Maar Au Chat by Picasso
  3. $87,936,00 Adele Bloch-Bauer II (2) by Gustav Klimt
  4. $86,281,000 ‘Portrait of Dr Gachet’ by Van Gogh
  5. $82,500,000 Portrait of Dr Gachet by Van Gogh
  6. $80,379,591 Monet Water Lily Pond
  7. $76,529,058 Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens
  8. $72,840,000 Mark Rothko’s White Centre
  9. $71,000,000 Au Moulin de la Galette by Renoir

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