Modern Masters: Pablo Picasso

1. Where was Picasso born and in what year?

Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881

2. What nationality is Picasso?

He is Spanish

3. What was Picasso obsessed with as a young boy?

He was obsessed with drawing art.

4. At what age did Picasso win a scholarship to the prestigious academy of fine art in Madrid?

16 years old

5. Who was Picasso’s best friend when he lived in Barcelona?

Carlos Casagemas

6. What year did Picasso leave Spain for Paris?

He left in 1900

7. What was Paris known as?

The epicentre of world art but also, the capital of sin.

8. What happened to Casagemas in a restaurant?

He shot himself and died hours later from the injury.

9. What effect did this have on Picasso’s work?

Picasso’s work became imbued with Carlos’ death. He painted almost exclusively in blue to express profound emotion – this came to be known as his “blue period”. Casagemas was often featured in his works whilst he depicted outcasts, isolation, and despair.

10. How long did Picasso’s blue period last?

3 years

11. After his blue period, what colour is used in his next period?

Serene pinks were used in what was known as his “rose period”.

12. How many years of artistic refinement did Picasso abandon?

He abandoned 600 years of artistic refinement

13. When was Les Demoiselles d’Avignon painted?

In 1907

14. At this time, who did Picasso start to collaborate with?

He collaborated with Georges Braque

15. What did they invent?

They invented Cubism

16. Where is the Spanish Guggenheim Museum?

The city of Bilbao

17. What did Matisse call Picasso?

Matisse referred to him as “a bandit”.

18. What year did the Spanish civil war start?

In 1936

19. What happened to the town of Guernica?

It was bombed and destroyed in its entirety.

20. How many bombs did the Germans drop?

5000 bombs were dropped.

21. How many civilians died?

More than 1600 civilians died from the bombing.

22. What political party did Picasso join after the war?

The French Communist Party

23. What bird was actually Picasso’s dove of peace?

The pigeon

24. How old was Sylvette David when she worked with Picasso?

She was 19

25. How old was Picasso?

He was 73 at the time.

26. How many pieces of work did Picasso produce in his lifetime?

More than 43,000 pieces of work.

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