Asset Management

Asset management is the process of developing, operating and maintaining of assets in the most cost-effective manner. Where by you can file assets with the low possiblity of an error or coruption.

When working with files in any software, it is so important that you have a good folder structure. So thhat you’re able to access all that you need with easy and can solve any errors without needing to rummage through the files. This will also help others figure out where sspecific files are.

In Maya, it is essential that you save a scene for your project. Otherwise you run the risk of the file becoming corrupted and you will be unable to retrieve the work which results in you having to restarr all that important work and wasting tine.

Files in Maya can be saved as 2 different formats:

Maya ASCII (MA): A larger file that saves your scene as a text file of commands that you can open and edit directly in a text editor which is helpful for you if you want to try to restore it writinng coding scripts. This is generally the better format to use simply becahse of how protected your work is.

Maya Binary (MB): is a version that is optimises the file to beng as small as possible. Great for saving space on you computer but terrible inn recovering from a corruption or error.

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