Film noir: Evaluation

My role was Art-director, editor and somewhat of a director in my group project, I was mostly responsible for the storyboards alongside our director(s). I do believe. I was slacking during the editing process mostly since only my partner could excess it and found myself just sitting there not being productive. I feel my partner was rather happy to edit alone with me giving the occasional comment or pointer for ideas. I prefer to follow other people’s ideas and work on my own, I find the process less stressful with having to depended too much on each other.

I believe I did what I could as our group was unnecessarily larger and the responsibilities could be spread across to everyone. Our group worked surprisingly well, we had a lot of ideas we wanted to grab and could rely on each other. However, I do find our size being problematic as many of us ended up standing around or out of the way of the camera since the ‘set’ was small. But overall we managed with all the work. Also, we had a hard time contacting each other especially for when recording outside college grounds but this was when we realised we didn’t need everyone and in fact worked better split apart. We did end up collaborating with another group, borrowing their actor for one part of our scene as mention in our brief to do which again we worked fairly well with.

The final edit was actually 3 edits split between the six of us as to keep us busy and come out with varying results.  My favourite was definitely Kat and Liam’s edit, the music and effects were powerful in terms of conveying an eery feeling, almost as if this project was a thriller or horror of sorts. A lot of our clips weren’t used but I guess that just show how many ideas we had and collected. I feel the big challenge in editing was finding appropriate music and sound effects to put on our edit without it feeling too out of place. But also remembering our already learnt skills in premier pro was a fiddly challenge a lot of had to overcome but it worked out very well and some of us went over the top with our edit, at that’s what it seemed like to me.

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