Game Trailer Synopsis

These are some rough plot ideas for 2 different game as to create a 1:30s/2:00s game trailer

Idea 1: Sims

  • Plays out like a classic sims advert but with real people
  • showcases some things you can like to arrange and build a house, get a job, etc…
  • The iconic green gem on top of the actors’ heads (possibly a 3D animation)
  • Have the actors dress funny to make is more comedic
  • Use our own homes as several sets
  • Joke about you forgetting what you went into a room for as instead the player removing the action you were about to do.
  • very comedic tone

Idea 2: (Tom Clancy’s) The Divison

  • Much more serious
  • TV or Radio broadcast in the background talking about “The Dollar Flu” and the proportions people should have.
  • Focuses on maybe one or two actors cautiously walking around town
  • Characters showing flu symptoms
  • Show the exchange of money and products (since it spread the virus that way)
  • Characters hiding from potentially infected people
  • Police sirens going off and or cars going by
  • Most likely will need a few clips from the game itself, specifically of the customisation or the world itself.

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