“Curing Chaos” Treatment document

Game Concept: "Curing Chaos" (CC) is role-playing, beat ‘em up game with a story-driven experience and strategy elements that give the consequential decision making and adventurousness that Curing Chaos wishes to deliver. Game Goals: Customer expectations: A PC and Console vision into a post-apocalyptic, Victorian London with simplistic yet entertaining designs. Endearing story: With a set of unique characters …

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Curing Chaos High pitch

Type of game:  "Curing Chaos" (CC) is role-playing, beat ‘em up game; Playable on PC and console. CC has the classic class system element of an RPG and uses horror and delicate theme in combination. CC attempts to create a cutesy horror that is both pleasing to the eye and a powerful RPG with its wide selection of items.  With slight exploration …

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